My name is Alice Hicks and I am studying Media Studies at A Level after completing year 12 AS Level. This year I will be working in a small group where we will be producing our own music video on a selected exisiting song. We must carefully plan how our music video will portray the meaning of the song and think about other factors such as the iconography of the artist.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Friday, 13 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Our group went to the Scream Lounge in Croydon to film the band playing. We took 2 cameras so that we could film more than one angle at a time and tripods to steady the camera. The lighting was proffessional and appropriate for the video theme. We also managed to film the audience which we thought to add into our music video to promote the band as it shows they have fans.
Friday, 6 December 2013
CD Draft 1

We decided to go for a simple black and white theme for the actual CD with the bands name logo on it. However, the font was seen to be as too 'curly' and did not match the genre of music. Also, the CD looks too plain and there is not enough going on to make it appealing or conform to a typical CD layout.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Friday, 15 November 2013
Monday, 11 November 2013
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013
Digipak Treatment (Fatima Mohamed)
Ideas for our digipak, when carrying out research and planning were influence by similar Pop Punk Rock Band such as Moose Blood and American Football. We have created many drafts of our digipak to meet the conventions of existing products similar to ours. I research different artists within the same category as well as search and looking for image that can fit the image that we are going for to make our digipak more successful and reach our target audience. We are going to take our own pictures for the insert, front cover and the back cover of our digipak. The font text that we will be using is will symbolise the journey it took to make a great album for the band. Furthermore the band name will stay home will be written in two colours and the two. Also the style for the album that we have decided that will make us stand out from different competitors within the same category of music.
The original idea for our digipak is comparable to our website. Our website, digipak and our music videos have the same theme of grey and black colour scheme and have a live gig feel to it. For us to get the image we are going for our digipak the image of the album front cover and the back cover has to be the same and link with the idea of our band stayhome. The back cover of the album will contain information such as the track list, names of producer, and the company that produced the album as well as copy right information. Furthermore the inset cover of the album will have a picture of the band and information of the band membership.
Audience Psychographic (Fatima Mohamed)
Profile: 1
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Jessica listens to music everyday on her way to and form school, the library and to work. Listening to music is a part of her leisure time.
From the information gathered through the questionnaires handed out it show that Jessica like music videos to be more artistic based then narrative based. This makes the video more enjoyable to watch, rather then having to watch stereotypical videos. Furthermore the information gathered shows that Jessica prefers the videos to be more of a performance rather than a conceptual video. Music videos that are in harmony with the lyrics of the song seem to appeals to teenage girls more.
Profile: 2
Name: Ryan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: University (studying music)
Ryan’s hobbies are all to do with music, therefore hoping to a future career in within the music industry. Furthermore Ryan is in a band as the lead singer and a guitarist; therefore as an artist the information gathered from Ryan’s questionnaire showed that he prefers a music video to be more of a performance piece.
Moreover the information gathered shows that all the theories will be link to our music video. For example some of Goodwin’s principles fit well into our music videos such as showing the links between the lyrics of the song and the visuals. The reason behind this is that we want our audience to connect with the lyrics of the song as this will be a performance piece. One of the main factors that we will be focusing on is the performance as there will be a band performing the song. Furthermore this fits in with Carlson’s theory on a performance piece is that help to sell the products. So I believe that a performance piece will help to show the audience what is to come in a live show therefore promoting their act. Additional the questionnaires handed out showed most of our target audience prefer a music videos with a narrative as this will help to sell the brand and also create a brand identity for the band. However when it came to an artistic video or a conceptual video there was a conflict amongst our target audience as most our target audience do prefers an artistic video.
When carrying out the audience research I also link the main audience theory, Shore, Carlson and Goodwin. These are three theorist that effect the making of a music video, therefore researching all the ideologies that are attached in making a music video successful help us to understand and make our market and audience a strong research. Furthermore Michael Shore help us to understand the stereotypical views that are linked with Music videos, whereas Carlson has help us by differentiating Performance and Conceptual music video. Additional Goodwin has divided his theory on music video in to section to help show a better view and understanding based on music videos. Therefore when carrying out market and audience research these theories have helped.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Storyboard (Alice and Fatima)
Storyboard from larima95
The storyboard incudes many shots of the band as well as some artistic conceptual shots. We follow Carlsson's theory of the different types of music videos because our audience feedback showed us that the audience prefers both types.
The storyboard incudes many shots of the band as well as some artistic conceptual shots. We follow Carlsson's theory of the different types of music videos because our audience feedback showed us that the audience prefers both types.
Shot/location (ideas)
- skyline changing from day to night
- railway/ train going past
- busy streets of london
- trafalgar square
- frames
- green screen, band infront narrative behind
These ideas follow the theory of Goodwin because they are shots which will link to the lyrics of the song and convey a consistent narrative throughout. Additionally, we follow Carlsson's theory of containing both performance shots, to promote the band, as well as conceptual shots to make the video more interesting and keep the audience interested. We used our audience research to help us conclude this idea as the feedback showed that they preferred both kinds of video techniques.
Existing Products
From watching existing products of our chosen genre of music, such as 'Boston' by Moose Blood and 'Transit' by Stay Home, I have noticed a common similarity of performance based videos. We will use this as the main feature of our own video so that it conforms to the genre. Close up shots of the band are important to promote the artist and show their talent of playing instruments. Furthermore, a lot of the videos I looked at include a lot of conceptual shots to make the video interesting and artistic. The lyrics to our chosen song are quite personal and emotional so we will take some conceptual shots that relate to the artist.
The lyrics for our new chosen song allow us to keep the same initial ideas that we had for the previous song; narrative, characters, setting, etc. It will relate to some of Michael Shore's theory of containing the views of adolescent male fantasies by having a narrative including a girl and a break-up, most likely relevant to a teenagers life.
Friday, 11 October 2013
New Song: Title Fight - Loud and Clear
From looking at similar existing products and analysing audience research, we decided that our chosen song is too slow to use if we want to include many technical and interesting shots.
Our new song will be a much more fast paced one which will allow us to include lots of conceptual features. The lyrics also give us a much more interesting narrative to suit our audience, according to Michael Shore's theory, the audience will be able to relate to it.
Lyrics to Loud And Clear :
I walked by your house last night.
Yeah it's always raining.
It's way too cold for this time of year.
And to be honest, I couldn't care to fix this.
The weather is always changing and I swear that I don't mind.
You're spending too much time digging graves
and sharpening your knives.
All's well, wish you the best.
You disagree with thoughts you would suggest.
I drove through your town last night.
I can't believe you live there.
Everything not recognized.
When doors are closed, and you're stuck inside.
I heard that it is brighter if you try.
Can you hear me?
Loud and clearly.
Yeah it's always raining.
It's way too cold for this time of year.
And to be honest, I couldn't care to fix this.
The weather is always changing and I swear that I don't mind.
You're spending too much time digging graves
and sharpening your knives.
All's well, wish you the best.
You disagree with thoughts you would suggest.
I drove through your town last night.
I can't believe you live there.
Everything not recognized.
When doors are closed, and you're stuck inside.
I heard that it is brighter if you try.
Can you hear me?
Loud and clearly.
Audience Analysis

The survey also showed us that most people enjoyed the storyline of the song. This means that our video will need to have an interesting narrative to match the lyrics to appeal to the target audience.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
This moodboard shows what kind of shots would be used in our music video. It is based around the idea of memories and 'remembering' the times that the narrator spent with a girl, different effects on these shots will represent the fact that they are memories which the narrator is reminiscing about which links to Goodwin's theory. Also, the close-up shots of the instruments could be used as extra shots for instrumental sections of the song which will also promote the fact that the artist can play instruments. It is important that the video focuses on the band rather than the narrative story as it will more likely help to promote the artist.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
I created a mind-map of ideas for different shots and narrative appropriate for the song we have chosen, 'Never Meant' by American Football. I will use these ideas to create a moodboard of further ideas and examples of shots and ideas for the music video.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Andrew Goodwin
Goodwin believes that music videos should represent stereotypes and conventions of the genre. E.g. a girl band should have lots of dancing in their music video.
Sound and Vision - clear relationship between lyrics and visuals. E.g. the video can be:
Illustrative - where visuals represent the lyrics
Contradictory - where the visuals contrast with the lyrics
Amplification - the manipulation of audience through repetition of key meanings
Disjunction - where the songs meaning is ignored
Notions of Looking - this is when we are 'watching' the performer. It is related to voyeurism and typically features windows and mirrors.
Star Image - the promotion of the star through the video using frequent close ups and recurring motifs to represent the artist.
Intertextuality - reference to other media songs (such as other songs, films, etc.). It allows the audience to quickly decode the meaning.
Goodwin believes that music videos should represent stereotypes and conventions of the genre. E.g. a girl band should have lots of dancing in their music video.
Sound and Vision - clear relationship between lyrics and visuals. E.g. the video can be:
Illustrative - where visuals represent the lyrics
Contradictory - where the visuals contrast with the lyrics
Amplification - the manipulation of audience through repetition of key meanings
Disjunction - where the songs meaning is ignored
Notions of Looking - this is when we are 'watching' the performer. It is related to voyeurism and typically features windows and mirrors.
Star Image - the promotion of the star through the video using frequent close ups and recurring motifs to represent the artist.
Intertextuality - reference to other media songs (such as other songs, films, etc.). It allows the audience to quickly decode the meaning.
Research Survey
Alice Hicks and Amelia produced a survey to find out what the audience wants from a music video. We can use the results to construct our media video so that it will appeal to our target audience. 9X89B33
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
Breif Analysis of Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
I really like this video because although the setting is plain and simple, consisting of a white background and floor, it is still an interesting video to watch due to the fun props and dancing by the characters.
The costumes of the female characters are also simple and plain, however, the revealing style and use of jewellery gives them a sex appealing look and they become a male gaze.
The video gives the impression that the women are aiming to impress the men which gives the men an image of successful and attractive, also shown by their smart-casual clothing choice of a suit.
The fact that they are not wearing ties with their suits gives off a laid back impression from the artists and creates an entertaining and lively atmosphere to suit the catchy song.
I think the flirtatious relationship between the men and women gives the video an exciting aspect and uses the male/female gaze to appeal to both male and female audiences, it also puts the lyrics of the song into perspective.
I like the fact that such a simple video can be so amusing and fit the catchy, upbeat song so well. I think the characters play a good role and fit the intentions of the lyrics well.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
My name is Alice Hicks and I am studying Media Studies at A Level after completing year 12 AS Level. This year I will be working in a small group where we will be producing our own music video on a selected exisiting song. We must carefully plan how our music video will portray the meaning of the song and think about other factors such as the iconography of the artist.
I am really looking forward to this task as I love listening to different types of music and watching music videos. I like to listen to a range of different genres of music so I have a few ideas to contribute to the group.
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